Fr. Kevin's Cluttered Desk
Sunday, January 19, 2025
As a follow up to last Sunday’s readings on the Baptism of the Lord, today we look at the Wedding of Cana. We move from public acknowledgement to public display of miracles. And not just any miracle but a miracle of great abundance, but still only shared with a few. It used to make me wonder why Jesus told people not to tell anyone or why He did things in front of only a few people. Why were not all the miracles like the feeding of the thousands? And even the feeding of the thousands only affected some of the people not all the people. Should not Jesus have performed great miracles in front of a multitude of people? The issue as I have come to learn is about focus. Do we focus on the miracles or the one who performed the miracles? It is kind of like the person who has a gift of healing and people begin to equate the person with the gift forgetting that it is God working through someone that the healing happens. We are the hands, the feet, the eyes and ears of God and God works through all kinds of people, but that never makes any of us important, what it makes us is “servant” of God, workers in God’s vineyard. We need to again learn from John the Baptist, “I must diminish so that Christ might increase”. When we begin to think we are important or “more special” than others, that’s the moment we begin to move away from God and begin to see ourselves in the wrong light. There are many gifts and there are a variety of services but when we forget where they came from and to Whom we owe the proper and complete use of those gifts and services we can fall into the sins of pride, selfishness, self-centeredness, arrogance, envy and hate. There is an old teaching often forgotten, “do all things for the glory of God, seeking no thanks but that which comes from God”: “well done good and faithful servant you only did what you ought to have done.” Seek not your own glory but always seek the glory of God.
Peace Fr. Kevin
Peace Fr. Kevin
Last updated Jan. 13, 2025
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This listing of names includes everyone whose photo was taken through the months of November and December and has been placed into the Yearbook working document.
There are a few photos from the summer Parish Picnics, but some of these were corrupted. If your name does not appear on the list or there is an error in spelling, please email your absence or the necessary correction to [email protected] |